AWS SAA C03 - Certification Training
Best AWS Solutions Architect Associate online course in Telugu
Rakesh Taninki
Cloud Specialist, 11x Certified
Course content
Introduction - AWS Certifications
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Course details and plan
Traditional IT overview
What is Cloud Computing?
The different types of Cloud
AWS cloud overview
AWS Account overview
Hands on - Free Tier vs Sandbox environment
Hands on - setup your free AWS account
Tour of console and services in AWS
Shared Responsibility Model
Quiz - 1
Root account best practices
Hands on - Setup MFA, Remove root user keys
Hands on - Setup billing alarm & budget
What are regions?
What are avaialablity zones?
IAM Introduction: Users, Groups, Policies
Hands on - Users and Groups
IAM Policies
Hands On - IAM Policies
Hands On - IAM MFA
AWS Access Keys, CLI, and SDK
Hands on - AWS CLI setup on Windows
Hands on - AWS CLI setup on Linux
Hands on - AWS CLI
AWS Cloud Shell
Hands on - IAM credentials report
IAM Security Tools
Hands on - IAM Security Tools
IAM Best Practices
IAM Summary
Quiz - 2
EC2 Basics
Hands on - EC2 setup
EC2 Instance Types
Security Groups
Hands on - Security Groups
Hands on - SSH using Linux
Hands on - SSH using Windows
EC2 Instance connect
EC2 IAM profiles - roles
EC2 instance purchasing options
Spot instances
EC2 Instances Launch Types
Quiz - 3
Different Ips - Public, Private, Elastic
Hands on - Public, Private, Elastic
Placement Groups
Hands on - Placement groups
Elastic Network Interface
Hands on - Elastic Network Interface
EC2 Hibernate
Hands on - EC2 Hibernate
Quiz - 4
Hands on - EBS
EBS Snapshots
Hands on - EBS Snapshots
AMI overview
Hands on - AMI
EC2 Instance Store
EBS Types
EBS multi attach
EBS Encryption
Amazon EFS
Hands on - EFS
Amazon FSx
Quiz - 5
High Availability & Scalability
Elastic Load Balancer - overview
Classic Load Balancer
Application Load Balancer
Hands on - Application Load Balancer
Network Load Balancer
Hands on - Network Load Balancer
Gateway Load Balancer (GWLB)
ELB - Sticky Sessions
ELB - Cross zone load balancing
ELB - SSL Certificates
Hands on - ELB SSL certificates
ELB - Connection Draining
Auto Scaling Groups (ASG)
Hands on - ASG
ASG - Scaling Policies
Hands on - ASG Scaling Policies
Quiz - 6
Amazon RDS
Hands on - RDS
Read Replicas vs Multi AZ
RDS custom for Oracle and MS SQL
Amazon Aurora
Hands on - Aurora
Amazon Aurora - Serverless & Advanced Concepts
Backup and Monitoring
RDS Security
RDS Proxy
Quiz - 7
What is DNS
Route 53
Hands on - Registering Domain
Hands on - Creating of Records
Hands on - Route 53 - EC2 poining
CNAME vs Alias
Routing Policies
Health Checks
Hands on - Health checks
3rd Part domains
Quiz - 8
Solution Architecture Discsussion
Scenario - 1
Scenario - 2
Scenario - 3
Serverless Realtime Examples
Micro Services Architectures
Quiz - 19
EB overview
Hands on - EB
Quiz - 9
Hands on - S3
Bucket Policy
Hands on - Bucket Policy
Static Website
Hands on - Static Website
Hands on - Versioning
Hands on - Replication
Stroage Classes
Storage Classes - Hands on
Quiz - 10
Hands on - IAM Roles and Policies
Policy Simulator
EC2 Instance Metadata
Quiz - 11
Life Cycle Rules
Hands on - Life Cycle Rules
Requestor pays
Event Notifications & triggers
Hands on - Event Notifications
S3 Select & Glacier Select
Batch Operaions
Quiz - 12
Hands on - Encryption
Hands on - CORS
MFA - Delete
Hands on - MFA delete
Access logs
Hands on - Access logs
Presigned URLs
Hands on - Presigned URLs
Glacier Vault Lock & Object Lock
S3 Object Lambda
Access Points
Quiz - 13
Hands on - Cloud Front with S3
Hands on - with ALB
Geo Restriction
Price Classes
Cache invalidation
Global Accelerator
Hands on - Global Accelerator
Quiz - 14
Snow Family overview
Snowball into Glacier
Storage Gateway
Hands on - Storage Gateway
Transfer Family
Quiz - 15
Introduction to Messaging
SQS standard
Hands on - SQS Standard
Message Visibility Timeout
Long Polling
FIFO - queues
SQS + Auto Scaling
Fan out Pattern
Hands on - SNS
Hands on - Kinesis Data Streams
Kinesis Firehouse
Hands on - Kinesis Firehouse
Kinesis Data Analytics
Data Ordering in Kinesis and SQS FIFO
SNS vs SQS vs Kinesis
Amazon MQ
Quiz - 16
Docker introduction
Amazon ECS
Hands on - ECS cluster
Hands on - ECS Service
ECS - Auto scaling
ECS - Solution Examples
Hands on - EKS
App Runnner
Hands on - App Runner
Quiz - 17
Serverless Introduction
Lambda Overview
Hands on - Lambda
Lambda Limits
Lambda @ Edge and Cloud Front functions
Lambda in VPC
Amazon dynamo DB
Hands on - Dynamo DB
Dynamo DB advanced features
API Gateway
Hands on - API Gateway
Step Functions
Quiz - 18
Choosing Right Databases
Elasti Cache
Dynamo DB
Document DB
Key Spaces
Time Stream
Quiz - 20
Hands on - Athena
Open Search
Quick Sight
Lake Formation
Kinesis Data Analytics
Hands on - Kinesis Data Analytics
Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka
Quiz - 21
Lex + Connect
Comprehend Medical
Quiz - 22
AWS Monitoring
Cloud Watch Metrics
Cloud Watch Logs
Hands on - Cloud Watch Logs
Cloud Watch Agent & Cloud Watch Logs agent
Cloud Watch Alarms
Hands on - Cloud Watch Alarms
Event Bridge
Hands on - Event Bridge
Cloud Wathc insights & operational visibility
Cloud Trail
Hands on - Cloud Trail
AWS Config
Hands on - AWS Config
Cloud Trail vs Cloud Watch vs Config
Quiz - 23
Hands on - Organizations
IAM Advanced Policies
Resource Based Policies vs IAM Roles
IAM - Policy Evaluation Logic
Amazon Congito
IAM Identity Center
AWS Directory Services
Hands on - Directory Services
Control Tower
Quiz - 24
Hands on - KMS
KMS Multi Region Keys
S3 Replication with Encryption
Encrypted AMI sharing process
SSM Parameter Store
Hands on - SSM Parameter Store
Hands on - SSM Parameter Store w/ Lambda
Secrets Manager
Hands on - Secrets Manager
Certificate Manager
Shield - DDOS protection
Firewall Manager
WAF & Shield Hands on
Guard Duty
Quiz - 25
CIDR - Private, Public
Default VPC
Hands on - VPC
Hands on - Subnets
Internet Gateway - Route Tables
Hands on IGW and Route Tables
Bastion Hosts
Hands on - Bastion hosts
NAT Instances
Hands on - NAT instances
NAT Gateways
Hands on - NAT Gateway
NACL & Security Groups
Hands on - NACL and SGs
VPC Peering
Hands on VPC Peering
VPC Endpoints
Hands on - VPC Endpoints
VPC Flow Logs
Hands on - VPC Flow Logs
Athena + VPC Flow Logs
S2S VPN, Virtual Private Gateway, Customer Gateway
Direct Connect & Direct Connect Gateway
Direct Connect and S2S
Transit Gateway
VPC Traffic Mirroring
IPV6 for VPC
Hands on - IPv6
Egress Only Internet Gateway
Hands on Egress Only Internet Gateway
AWS Network Firewall
Quiz - 26
Disaster Recovery in AWS
Database Migration Service
Hands on - DMS
RDS & Aurora Migration
AWS Backup
Hands on - AWS Backup
Application Migration Service
VMWare Cloud on AWS
Quiz - 27
Cloud Formation
Hands on - Cloud Formation
Amazon SES
Amazon PinPoint
SSM Session Manager
SSM Other services
AWS Cost Explorer
Elastic Transcoder
AWS Batch
Amazon App Flow
White Papers
Well Architected Framework & Well Architected Tool
Trused Advisor + Hands
Example Architectures
Quiz - 28